2nd ISSE training school program released

The second biennial ISSE training school on sample environments will be held from Monday, November 13 to Friday, November 17 at the NIST Center for Neutron Research (NCNR). This time, the training school will be devoted to soft matter sample environments.

The program is now available: plenary talks on x-ray and neutron techniques, many practical sessions and topical discussions to encourage discussion and interaction on a range of sample environment related topics. The organisers are looking forward to an interesting and productive time.

Great Milestone for CSNS

The International Society for Sample Environment congratulates the China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS) for the first neutron beam. This is a great achievement obtained by CSNS teams and a great news for the international neutron community. The first beam marks the beginning of the facility test phase. The beginning of the user program is expected by year 2018.