Mission and Objectives

The objectives of the ISSE are:

  • to strengthen the position of sample environment technologies at scattering facilities.
  • to represent international activities in sample environment technologies in social, scientific, industrial and political forums.
  • to promote communication and information exchange in the area of sample environment technologies.
  • to foster the training of young technicians, engineers and researchers in the area of sample environment technologies.
  • to bring together those active in sample environment technologies and scattering facilities user communities so as to stimulate developments and widen fields of research investigated at scattering facilities.

The ISSE will seek to achieve these objectives by:

  • establishing a website: this ISSE website has an open-access part with material that is provided by ISSE members. It for instance shows information on events and projects, and have links to ISSE-member websites, facilities and products. The website will also contain a part that is protected and only accessible for members. This part will hold directories and other information relevant to the members, supporting the organization of conferences and workshops in the area of sample environment technologies.
  • organising exchange of information and mutual support between members
  • supplying information about sample environment to the scientific community
  • organising educational activities: schools, workshops, e-learning, etc.
  • establishing standards for sample environment equipment