About ISSE

The International Society for Sample Environment (ISSE) is a cooperative platform of institutions and individual persons to:

  • strengthen the position of sample environment technologies at scattering facilities.
  • represent international activities in sample environment technologies in social, scientific, industrial and political forums.
  • promote communication and information exchange in the area of sample environment technologies.
  • foster the training of young technicians, engineers and researchers in the area of sample environment technologies.
  • bring together those active in sample environment technologies and scattering facilities user communities so as to stimulate developments and widen fields of research investigated at scattering facilities.

The Association is not profit-oriented and was founded on October 13th, 2014.

The first General Meeting of the ISSE was held on October 16th, 2014 at Eynsham Hall, Oxfordshire as part of the 8th International Sample Environment Workshop.

The Society is led by an international Board consisting of the official representatives of the Member Facilities. The Personal Members of the ISSE can provide, find and exchange information about sample environment on the webpage and specially in the forums as well at workshops and schools.

The daily life of the Society is organized by a group of four officers. Presently these officers are:

  • Chair 
  • Secretary 
  • Communication Officer 
  • Workshop Coordinator 

To find out more about the organizaion of the ISSE you can have a look into the Statutes of the ISSE. If you have questions or suggestions related to the ISSE please contact us.