European Synchrotron Radiation Facility

ESRF LogoThe ESRF support services include:

  • Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) Platform
  • Biological support (at ILL)
  • Chemistry & Micro-Imaging
  • Soft matter
  • Electrochemistry
  • High pressure
  • Cryostats
  • Furnaces and in-situ cells

The cryogenics laboratory offers various cryostat technologies that are adapted to the requirements of the X-ray beam lines (space limitations, magnetic fields, low vibrations, high power density of incoming beam, …). He-cooled cryostats reach temperatures down to 2 K. A cryo-oven covers the temperature range 85 K – 1000K. Catalysis cells reach temperatures up to 1000°C and the sample can be kept in a controlled gas environment. Induction furnaces reach temperatures up to 1600°C.

The high pressure laboratory is dedicated to diamond anvil cell (DAC) preparation. It covers all the tasks from DAC preparation and loading and installation at the beam line. The laboratory provides facilities for diamond gluing, gasket preparation and sample loading (including gas loading) and features a laser drilling machine for micrometer to millimeter machining, a micromanipulation bench and Be drilling.