Web site: https://kiutra.com
kiutra is a spin-off from the TUM Department of Physics. We develop cryogen-free cooling solutions based on closed-cycle cryocoolers and magnetic refrigeration technology. Our devices feature sub-Kelvin temperatures along with a compact size, low maintenance requirements, and high usability.
Standard ADR and CADR croystats
Magnetic refrigeration, also known as adiabatic demagnetization refrigeration (ADR), is an elegant way of providing very low temperatures without cryogens such as liquid helium or nitrogen. As first supplier in the market, kiutra develops cryogen-free cooling solutions based on both single-shot and continuous ADR (CADR).
Our standard systems are easy-to-use tools for fast sample characterization. All systems can be equipped with a fully automatic rapid sample changer. Moreover, owing to a very modular architecture, multiple ADR units can be operated in a single cryostat and configured to fit different experimental requirements.
Please get in touch for customizations and special designs.
We speak NICOS
Our cryostats are controlled and programmed using the Python-based “Networked Instrument COntrol System” (NICOS) developed at MLZ Garching.