Morning Session |
08:30 | Opening Remarks |
| A dilution refrigerator for powder diffraction at SINQ | Ben van den Brandt | PSI |
| The use of Ultra Low Temperature equipment at ISIS | Richard Down | ISIS |
| Magnetic Cooling for Low Temperature Neutron Scattering Experiments | Peter Smeibidl | HZB |
| Sample Environments at the Intense Pulsed Neutron Source (IPNS): Successes and Challenges | Ken Volin | IPNS |
| High temperature and low temperature equipment for diffractometers at Troitsk centre | Victor A. Sarin | LNI/RAS Moscow |
| Low Temperature Equipment at the New Neutron Source FRM-II | Jürgen Peters | FRM II |
12:30 | Lunch at the PSI Restaurant |
Afternoon Session |
14:00 | Magnetic Neutron Scattering at BENSC: present status and future projects | Michael Meissner | HZB |
| Sample Environment at the NCNR / experience with supraconducting magnets at high fields | Daniel C. Dender | NCNR |
| 1.8 K closed cycle refrigerator running on a 4-circle diffractometer | Frédéric Thomas | ILL |
| Conception and Design of a Cell Furnace for Inert Gas or Vacuum Conditions (-50°C < T < +250°C) | Gerhard Kozik | GKSS |
| A sample environment for fully hydrated biomimetic membranes | Robert Hammond | Chalk River Lab. |
18:30 | Dinner at the PSI restaurant |