RE: To whom should the school be addressed?

Home Forums Discussions on Schools & Workshops To whom should the school be addressed? RE: To whom should the school be addressed?

Admin (Marek)Trator_3568

I will propose a totally selfish idea, but it may be beneficial as you think thru it: What would work much better for us (I.E. the selfish part) would be to have the workshop next fall, at the workshop we could work out the details of 1) who is teaching what 2) who/how many will be sent 3) when exactly — It would obviously still be at ISIS, but we could then plan it for the following summer (if that is convenient to all?) allowing for a bit of a split in funding (for us) into 2 fiscal years. This might also relieve the host facility of having to organize 2 events back to back, and would allow for us to send more technicians. I am not attempting to throw a wrench in things, but now is likely a better time to think about it than later. Thanks for your consideration.